ADO 0.00% 1.7¢ anteotech ltd

bbi diagnostics ipo, page-37

  1. 9,072 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2019
    Quick note pertinent to the topic.

    Pifze pulled out of takeover of AstraZeneca UK overnight. OK apart from the synergy aspects - much was said of it being a strategic move to as much as cut their exposure to US taxes. These guys don,t just have a plan' they will regroup and go onto plan B/C... So others may now accelerate to close out their moves . Maybe more turmoil in the market to come, from experience the major risk effect I see for ADO will be to stymie coalface operations, mid level deals and smaller M&A s until the dust settles.
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Mkt cap ! $45.99M
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1.7¢ 1.7¢ 1.7¢ $27.37K 1.610M

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3 460737 1.7¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
1.8¢ 1539640 8
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Last trade - 15.51pm 04/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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