I agree people take risk all the time but that statement is over simplifying "risk". Part of taking risk is also evaluating the probability and the likelihood of different outcomes.
Corona infection statistic per 1 million people
Qatar 13,442 = 1.34% US 4,900 = 0.49% Australia 279 = 0.0279%
If car accident rate is as high as Corana in Qatar (1 accident in 75 cars on the road) and US 1 in 500, these numbers are probably under report too.
I know I wouldn't be driving in Qatar nor US but the risk is definitely a lot lower.
We (for the Bus rider ) are investing and think the risk of market coming down is higher than market going up as the history has shown time and time again. The only difference this time is the Fed is buying, injecting liquidity into the market. It slows down the inevitable, liquidity doesn't solve insolvency issue.
Market is in a "hope" phase, every good news, bad news, hopeful news, V shape recovery all priced in. When earning number come out in July, I think reality will set in that stocks are way to expensive and history repeats again.