SP500 0.58% 2,958.8 standard & poor's 500

BBUS, page-674

  1. 67 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    Would it behave differently than expected due to being traded? Say a lot of people want to buy and artificially drive the price of BBUS up which would presumably throw out the calculated gearing (just spitballing, I don't know if that's actually the case). It's all a bit magic, on their website they also posted some detail on how it reacts with the time difference between markets, seemed to make a bit of sense. It was at about 230% gearing yesterday so that figure swings around quite a bit.

    Potentially that 0.756 leverage was around the time they rebalanced (every 2-3 days at the moment apparently), which could also distort the numbers.
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