SP500 0.58% 2,958.8 standard & poor's 500

It took many many years to see an upside to the debarkle. My...

  1. 48 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    It took many many years to see an upside to the debarkle. My grass allergy cleared up after about 2 or 3 years and over the following 5 years my health improved as its physical work. I was over weight and drank too much also at the time( Try pushing lawnmowers with a serious grass allergy and a hangover), so the drinking had to be seriously moderated.

    I don't regret getting out of IT in the least, in fact if I can't connect to my printer I just pick the computer up, throw it out the window and buy a new one, I have no time for computers that wont play ball.

    It maybe was a blessing in disguise but it was a hard lesson. I admit I was much happier b4 getting back into the markets again recently. it hasn't worked out though only a small loss so far. I have 35k to risk. If I lose that, thats it. I take my bat and ball and go home never to return.
    I've also sidelined my super into cash since march(great choice!)

    What does the IMF and every government around the world know about economics anyway. 3, 4 times worse than the GFC? no problem at all.
    The Federal reserve in Australia is always paying ppl 3000$ a month to sit at home when we are a bit short.

    Maybe this game just isn't for me. Im all in gold and silver miners now. Bought in recently just before that corrected some. luckily 3 silver stocks have saved any further damage.

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