BCC 7.14% 6.5¢ beam communications holdings limited

Look LT I have confidence. A little ST volatility never hurts...

  1. 118 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Look LT smile.png I have confidence. A little ST volatility never hurts and a pullback from recent highs was inevitable....the CR did come out of left field and CoviD v5.0 spooked the markets (which funnily enough, simply proves markets are irrational and emotional....it never went away and there's 100% certainty we're going to see more and more variations to come). In hindsight, while I considered it, I didn't pull the trigger on selling down some in the 50s...would have been a nice little win to sell and top back with 50% more literally within days! Even then I'm happy to hold and continue topping up at these levels.

    If the Q1 22 provides any indication, and knowing this Q is the big one, I expect we're in for a whopper Q2 / 1H 22 on front ends sales/units shipped + have the ARR building in behind....this could quite easily get back to and beyond recent highs after the next qtrly. Hold steady all!

    On the SPP, maybe I missed it, but has anything been announced? Would be surprised if they went ahead @ the CR price when anyone can pick up shares at a 10% discount on market. My guess is given developments in the last week, they must be reassessing and looking at alternatives...which is what they should do.
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Mkt cap ! $5.617M
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7.0¢ 7.0¢ 6.5¢ $22.49K 341.7K

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1 322 6.5¢

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7.8¢ 135000 2
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Last trade - 13.33pm 24/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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