Be Careful Malcolm, page-39

  1. 339 Posts.
    Beastmaster doesn't pay himself to scrub his dunnies. I think his point is that if wages were lower, it would make it easier for him to EMPLOY someone else to do the job. If someone else is in the job, we are going to be better off. They get paid a wage, they spend their wage. One person's spending is another person's income. Whoever does the dunny scrubbing will do it because they either want to or need to. Nobody is forcing them to do it.
    If you decreased the minimum wage, what do you think would happen to unemployment? It would drop significantly, provided it is still higher than the government's unemployment benefits.
    In Asian countries such as China and Japan, they don't even have weekends like we do in Australia.
    We have it so good here. One of the reasons people start to stress is because their lifestyle is relative to their wage (no matter how much they earn a year). Any decrease in that wage threatens their lifestyle (mortgages, cars, holidays etc).
    Anyway, I'm getting off topic and rambling now...

    The above is me just saying, Perseng. Enjoy the rest of your week
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