Terror threat goes to 'high'U.S. warns of imminent possibility...

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    Terror threat goes to 'high'

    U.S. warns of imminent possibility for attacks using bio-chem weapons

    WASHINGTON – Citing special intelligence warning of a "high risk" of terrorist attack, Bush administration officials today raised the national terror alert from yellow, or "elevated," to orange, or "high."

    "This call ... is based on our knowledge and conviction that heightened awareness and readiness deters terrorism and saves lives. Each of us, in our own ways, can contribute to the security of our nation, our families and our communities," Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said in a news conference announcing the decision this afternoon.

    Attorney General John Ashcroft said the decision was based on an increase in intelligence pointing to a possible attack around the Muslim holy period of the Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to the holy Saudi city of Mecca, which takes place next week.

    U.S. intelligence officials say they have intercepted a steadily rising number of conversations among suspected members and sympathizers of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network.

    Ashcroft said the reports of al-Qaida leaders emphasize planning for attacks on apartment buildings and other "soft" or lightly guarded targets.

    The recent arrests of the alleged ricin poison plotters in London are said to demonstrate al-Qaida's interest in carrying out chemical, biological and radiological attacks.

    "Historically, the intelligence community has indicated that al-Qaida might also seek economic targets, including the transportation and energy sectors, as well as symbolic targets and symbols of American power," Ashcroft said.

    The State Department yesterday similarly issued a new worldwide terror alert warning citizens of the high potential for use of chemical and biological weapons.

    The State Department said it was issuing the new warning "to remind U.S. citizens of the need to remain vigilant due to a heightened threat of terrorist actions that may target civilians, including the possibility of attacks by non-conventional weapons."

    The government urged Americans to be prepared for emergency evacuations.

    "We are not recommending that events be canceled. Nor do we recommend that individuals change domestic or work or travel plans. ... We ask that Americans continue their daily work and leisure activities with a heightened awareness of their environment and the activities occurring around them," he said.

    Ridge called on ordinary citizens to get informed and "arm" themselves with facts to be better prepared to protect themselves by checking the department's website.

    Ridge also urged parents to come up with a contact plan so that, if a terror event occurred, family members can get in touch with one another.

    Federal Bureau of Intelligence Director Robert Mueller encouraged anyone who observes "something suspicious" to contact the police or the local FBI office.

    The increase in the threat-level condition triggers the nation's homeland security advisory system, which alerts all local, state and federal law enforcement officials and agencies, and fire, emergency, health and public safety personnel.

    Ridge said federal agencies will be taking the following protective measures:

    increase security personnel at points of entry;

    limit points of entry and exit;

    enhance identification checks;

    restrict travel around federal facilities and airports.
    The secretary added that medical and public health communities would also be taking precautions, but did not offer specifics.

    Mueller announced his agency was fully mobilized to respond to the increased threat through joint terrorism task forces, which he said were working "24 hours a day, following up on information we may have received."

    New York Gov. George Pataki has called in National Guard units to be on standby for deployment, and an elite elite civil support team has been mobilized to detect any chemical, biological or radiological threats.

    New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced security was stepped up at "appropriate locations" with special attention placed on lobbies of hotels, apartment buildings and the subway system – places where large numbers of people gather.

    "New York's role as capital of the world and symbolic value as the center of American business will always make it a target for those who want to destroy our way of life," Bloomberg said at a press conference. "Go about your lives as you normally would and we will do everything in our power to protect you. Leave the worrying to the professionals and live your lives, otherwise the terrorists will win without doing anything."

    Homeland Security Department officials say the level of concern is now at its highest since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks – in part because of the impending war with Iraq.

    The worldwide caution issued by the State Department is the first issued since Nov. 20, and it specifically mentioned the possibility of "attacks by non-conventional weapons."

    The five-point color scale of risk was developed after the 9-11 attacks. The highest alert level is red. It represents a "severe" level of risk.

    The threat condition designation alert has remained yellow since September. It was last raised to "high" on Sept. 10, and remained at that level for two weeks to coincide with the anniversary of the terror attacks.

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