As I have said before Saddam has got to go. The Americans want...

  1. 1,058 Posts.
    As I have said before Saddam has got to go.

    The Americans want to race in and smash the proverbial
    out of Iraq. Remember since the time of the civil war and Generals Grant and Sherman the US military has believed in the meat grinder approach to war which is about as subtle as a Mack Truck.

    The UN members France and Russia have been on the wrong side of meat grinders; the French at Verdun and
    the Russians in the Second World War. I believe that they also want to be rid of Hussein but are prepared to
    use sneakiness and steady pressure to gradually push him back inch by inch.

    We should remember the parable of the young bull and the old bull. The young bull wants to charge down into the paddock and shag a few cows. The old bull wants to
    walk down real slow and shag the lot. George Bush is like the young bull. He wants to race in real fast and smash everything in sight. The French and the Russians
    are like the old bull.

    The scenario runs like this.

    First we insist on inspection. Saddam cheats. On goes the pressure. Then he will have to let the U2's fly overhead. Then he will have to let the scientists talk to
    the inspectors without minders. Then he will find a few
    chemical and biological weapons which were overlooked.

    These will be destroyed. Then a few more and a few more. Every time he gives way his position will be undermined. Eventually his regime will crumble.

    Of course this may not work. Then we take him liike Grant took Richmond.

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