AVB 0.00% 16.5¢ avanco resources limited

Thanks again flurt...Yes I think most people were disappointed...

  1. 1,030 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 183
    Thanks again flurt...

    Yes I think most people were disappointed in Antas South .. overall. After all that drilling!!! and then the new kid on the block AN comes up with the goods after relatively few drills. What!!?

    It totally confounds me.

    I have completed an extension/modification of the Scoping Study that strongly suggests advancing the flotation process to commence immediately with preliminaries like purchase of second-hand plant now. Funding should not be a problem. Xstrata should provide help there, if there is a sincere desire to get moving.

    AVB should not be waiting to cash-in a bit of DSO to get money to progress. Or wait for Vale to decide to make final payment.

    AVB is above that sort of stuff now.

    After all, Xstrata soon owns 15% and they do not mess around pinching pennies surely. If GO is the word.. then GO it should be.

    With all that ore at Antas North, perhaps advance the Heap Leach SX-EW at that site, and start by re-processing the flotation tailings ?

    The revised cash surplus projections make interesting reading too.

    I will delay posting, as I do not want to hog too much posting space here.

    Look forward to your next informative submission. As for being negative, if it is factual, that is what counts I reckon!! Facts... and the things that follow on logically. AVB has not been all beer and skittles. There are aspects that have disappointed greatly. But that is exploration.

    If I need to be negative, I try and couch it in a positive way... if you see what I mean. :)

    If you step back and see where AVB were, and where they are now ... and the sort of people at the helm, it is pretty good. :) PP

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