I can't believe this, forget about protecting local farmers, but...

  1. 2,223 Posts.
    I can't believe this, forget about protecting local farmers, but why would you put the health of Australians at risk however small it may be.
    What possible reason could Mr. Crean have to expose Autralia to such a devestating potential risk?
    I thought we elected politicians to work for the good of Australia but with decisions like this one has to wonder.

    May be I'm over reacting but roo steak is becoming more and more appealing!

    "The Government is planning to lift a ban on importing both processed and fresh beef from countries that have recorded cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease.

    The Government plans to lift the ban on Monday, saying the risk to human health from imported beef is extremely low, but Senator Xenophon says the move does not fill him with confidence.

    "We could have a situation where a pie is labelled 'Made in Australia' as an Aussie meat pie if the pastry and the packaging are made in Australia," he said.

    "But the beef could be coming 100 per cent from a mad cow-affected country and consumers wouldn't be any the wiser. And now with the import of beef from mad cow-affected countries, the situation will just get worse.""

    read more here....

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