'before christ' replaced in books

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    'Before Christ' replaced in books
    March 02, 2005

    "BEFORE Christ" has been written out of some history books in NSW schools and replaced with "Before Common Era" in political correctness gone mad, the State Opposition said today.

    Opposition education spokeswoman Jillian Skinner said 50,000 year-7 students who sat the English Language and Literacy Assessment (ELLA) test yesterday read an extract entitled "The Surveyor's Problem", which described an event which took place in 590 BCE.
    A footnote to the extract explained BCE means "Before Common Era".

    "It appears that 'Before Christ' has been written out of our history books by the Department of Education in the Carr government," Mrs Skinner said.

    "This is political correctness gone mad."

    "Before Common Era" is used by some historians but Mrs Skinner said most parents would expect their children to be taught to use `Before Christ.'

    "You ask the average mum and dad out there how they refer to time and calendars, they will use Before Christ (BC)," she said.

    Education Minister Carmel Tebbutt agreed the extract originally used "BC"but it had been changed to "BCE".

    "My own view is that the text should not have been changed," Ms Tebbutt told Parliament.

    "It should have been left as 'BC' with a footnote explaining that `BCE' is an alternative.

    "I've asked the department to ensure that in the future this type of change is not made to texts."


    Many Christians schools will not allow the works of Charles Darwin to be taught to their students.

    I believe that both philosophies should be extended to all students, allowing each student to make up their own mind which is correct.

    I was first educated in a catholic school, but long since chosen to not believe in the catholic dogma.

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