atamou - i think it's fair to say that you can't put all...

  1. 8,506 Posts.

    atamou - i think it's fair to say that you can't put all liberals in the same boat - there are more moderate liberal members out there that haven't had much of a say under howard's regime - if he loses, there is bound to be one monumental shake up coming in their ranks

    i don't hate liberals per se - but i very much detest howard & his nefarious mates that have been in office - i've never felt such outrage toward any group of people in the political landscape as i have with howard's mob

    australia has been well respected on many political fronts till howard dragged us down many rungs of desirability - i would find that being best of mates with that careless neo-con dope known as george dubya, as quite an embarrassment

    the sooner this disgusting apparatchik of greed & fear is gone, the better

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