behead placard - pru gowards comments, page-37

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    and there's the rub - that women, in charge of the moral upkeep of little souls, supposed societal "balancers", regarded as societal "softeners of attitudes", and advocates for peace and love - are just as bad - or worse, than their men. These little kids in this pathetic photo are being brainwashed and polluted - their young minds already twisted and bitter, them hardly out of the womb. To my mind, they should be removed from such a home which harbors such sinister hatreds.

    And (I know, at severe risk of my hereby being labelled "red-neck, intolerant, racist, bigot, insensitive, and the rest) - might I pose the question which I would ask Centrelink - because we, the struggling working, have a right to know! -

    do these immigrant gentleman and ladies, by benefit of their clothing rules - the long nightie gown type male robes and the crochet caps - or the female hijab and long neck to ankle robes (or thick overcoats) of the ladies, seemingly standard "I am Muslim" denoting clothing - yes, do they thereby escape the otherwise relentless and rigorous "have you applied for any jobs this fortnight" heavy and merciless scrutiny of the Centrelink dole or Newstart payments "please report to us" crew - and are THEIR fortnightly payments, if they do not measure up, promptly and automatically cut off, no questions asked, if they don't measure up. As happens with OUR own unemployed? I know of a "kid" who spent two whole days travelling miles back and forth from outer rural suburbia to get his payments sorted out. On fares he couldn't afford. And this happened to him often. He was not allowed to fax in his form.
    Same at VicRoads driving tests offices - where new migrants seemed to receive kid glove treatment and courtesies with regard to flexibilities of appointment times, and tests, over and above our own home born.

    Yes, many already distressed and traumatised and despairing teenagers and job seekers I know - who, in such instances, no matter how far and how hard to so so, have to personally from up for face to face interview and revision before such payments MIGHT be restored, if the excuses and proofs are solid enough, must wonder why it it seems they have to endure this, yet others just walk in and get away with anything!!

    Or are these people deemed somehow exempt - and therefore let alone - AND paid regularly - NO questions asked. Because they tell us their dress is absolutely required at all times, religiously, and therefore no one will employ them, so "they can't help it"!!

    Such inequality - and one law for some - and entirely another - for our own home-born! Who are treated like petty "criminals" by very often sneering unempathetic Centrelink staff - and who are cut off from their urgently needed payments for no good reason. No wonder our teenagers feel helpless and hopeless - unwanted and unloved - and the suicide rates are high!!

    Hop onto a boat - or into the clobber - and Bob's your uncle! No worries!

    If we decided to start (say) some new religious movement, which required each of us to wear (say) bright red gowns with purple hats with gold and pink sequins on them, day in day out, to denote to others who we are - OUR relisious labelling - and therefore could not get work, could THAT be an excuse not to have to front up to Centrelink regularly, for our fortnightly eligibility check-in? For them to take that as an excuse why we can live our lives taking it for granted we'll indefinitely keep receiving fortnightly payments without any personal front-ups required? Same principle! What's the difference? WHY the leniency?

    If such people are running business on the side, unbeknown to most, as I believe a lot of them actually are - even know some are - are they, then, paying any TAX? I'll have a bet they're NOT. Come to OZ - the land of milk and honey - and money - which is handed out to some - but not all.

    And then, if someone "crosses you", you can even ask that they be beheaded in the streets via placard - and assault the police in the process without any real punishment! AND get away with it. Must be SO refreshing - after what they've come from.
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