you have explained why the Kurds cannot have a homeland in Syria...

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    you have explained why the Kurds cannot have a homeland in Syria because they are not ethnic Syrians.

    they were Iranian mountain people and wandering people

    if a Kurdish homeland was rightly created, it would be from the border regions of Syria, Turkey, Iraq & Iran

    but it cannot include the Syrian oil fields

    that the Kurds were forced to fight ISIS does not give them any right to a homeland

    Kurds in Syria particularly are many refugees, similar to Armenians

    it is the high of rudeness & ingratitude for Kurds to use the USA to create a homeland from North-East Syria when the peoples of the Syrian region originally gave the Kurds refuge from the Turks

    its similar to the PLO who rudely made war in Lebanon after Lebanon had given Palestinean people refuge

    Assad has welcomed many groups back but the Turks won't be so forgiving if the USA abandons the Turks

    Rojava also has many Christians living there

    Syria was doing OK before the Saudi-Qatar-US-NATO proxies invaded the place

    the Kurds should return to the Syrian homeland
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