''Did 'his mates' throw him under the bus because they were...

  1. 88,061 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Did 'his mates' throw him under the bus because they were jealous of all his fame or did they have a crisis of conscience?''

    the sheer numbers of witnesses against him from his own mob strongly suggests it's not jealousy at all

    from my experience - there is no way Jose that military guys would dob in someone falsely just because they got famous and you didn't

    ok sure - you might get the rare odd bod ---------------- but, never in numbers. That's far beyond doubt

    the blokes would have testified for probably a few reasons - they were more than likely ordered to tell the truth - AND many of them would have been very pissed off that the Regiment was brought into disrepute - some also because Australia is brought into disrepute

    look at that video I posted - it's real and the damage to Australia is real - AND to every Australian

    our military represents us

    each member who wears a uniform represents their unit, their service, their military, their nation, their people

    many argue that - but, it's true

    if nothing else ------------------ listen to this at 2.20 minute on

    Last edited by pintohoo: 04/06/23
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