ben vs alan

  1. 1,050 Posts.
    When so many American citizens living (costs) in hot water because of the "higher petrol and energy" cost and higher interest rate. The "sup-prime mortgage" problem (did some good people encourage punters years ago? Some news hints that people blame "Alan"...). Alan have retired and warned American weeks ago about the recession and slow down of American economy but other people told him to shut up... What happen to the market three week ago? free falls > 400 points within two hours.

    Thanks to another man "Ben" who encourage hedge funds and punters who want to punt on share market to make quick money... Market goes up again. Ignoring some countries' authorities such as China, Japan, India, America, Australia who try to cool down the hot economy driving by many many speculation.

    Our PM Mr Howard is right to say "take your own risk people, don't blame the government when things go wrong...".

    I reckon Alan and Mr Howard are more wiser man compare to "Ben".
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