benazir bhutto killed, page-13

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Briter says about 'terrorists':

    "... its either a case of fight them over there
    on their soil or fight them here on ours."

    When the Liberals decided to fight 'red terror' in Vietnam
    (before it spread to Australia) the problem was the
    blighters failed to wear red uniforms and carry a
    big red flag so they'd be easy to shoot.

    Good (ie non-communist) Vietnamese
    and bad (ie communist) Vietnamese
    all looked alike and they all
    all spoke in a silly foreign
    language so the Western
    invaders remained
    in the dark about
    about how to tell
    good from bad

    The 'final solution' to good and bad
    Vietnamese all looking the same?

    Carpet-bomb the place from 30,000 feet
    and carpet-spray the place with dioxin
    cos (down there amid the rubble and
    the piles of dead bodies and ruined
    crops and landscape) there is
    BOUND to be some
    dead Viet Cong!

    But what about all the dead good Vietnamese
    and good survivors who were destined to
    starve with no rice - and what about
    all the good Vietnamese babies
    destined to be stillborn or
    born with grotesque
    caused birth

    Get a grip Graham!

    Unlike American or Australian
    civilians, Vietnamese are
    not real people with
    real feelings and
    rights like us!

    Get a grip Graham!

    Non-white foreigners
    are cardboard cutouts
    not real people like us!
    So why worry about
    what happens to them
    as long as WE are safe
    and snug in our beds!

    Get a grip Graham!

    Non-white foreigners
    (and their silly lands)
    are merely pawns or
    'collateral damage'
    or in later movies
    they're set props
    for a missing in
    action thriller!

    Get a grip Graham!

    We have a perfect right
    to invade, bomb and
    and shoot as many
    foreigners as we
    feel like killing!

    It's good target practice
    and it makes us feel
    big and strong!

    Get a grip Graham!

    Provided we don't shoot any
    white people - why worry!

    But what about Iraq
    and Afghanistan?

    Provided we don't shoot any
    white people - why worry!

    It's good target practice
    and it makes us feel
    big and strong!
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