LOLA bit of research about the head of the task force, Mr Brad...

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    A bit of research about the head of the task force, Mr Brad Orgill.

    APRIL 13TH, 2010
    Who is Julia Gillard trying to kid? She has appointed former UBS Australia head Brad Orgill to run an inquiry into her failed education building programme. Tony Abbott claims it will be a Clayton?s review ? certainly not a judicial one. Will it all be held in public? Unlikely.
    Brad Orgill is well known to the ALP. He was previously involved in a review of the Foreign Affairs department ? which surprise surprise agreed with Kevin Rudd that John Howard had left DFAT run down and it therefore needed more tax payers money from more public debt to make it right:
    While Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has set a goal of making Australian diplomacy the world?s best, the report finds the country has a serious diplomatic deficit and is nowhere near achieving this aim. The experts say the network is ill-equipped to meet serious threats. DFAT needs many more staff and a big funding increase to repair the damage of years of neglect.
    So expect much the same from this ALP yes man. Orgill also criticised Liberal business tax policies before the last election in 2007.
    Orgill goes in for a number of pet left-wing issues: post-colonialism and globalisation/neo-imperialism, having once picked socialist author Arundhati Roy as a mentor for young women coming into UBS. Strange choice for an investment banker. He hates the Tasmanian pulp mill and is a fan of Tasmanian writer Richard Flanagan. Who pushes some fairly typical left-wing issues, including a critical work of anti-terrorist activities entitled: The UnknownTerrorist. Not read the book but from I can gather it is more a critical work of how nasty Australia became under John Howard. Watchers of ABC?s Q&A programme will also know Flanagan and his looney left-wing views. He also helped write the movie Australia, which goes out of its way to tell blatant lies about the treatment of aboriginal children during World War Two. None of which seems to bother Orgill. END

    His "independence" may be in question.

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