NSW Premier should resign - there are many reasons - summary...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    NSW Premier should resign - there are many reasons - summary listed in approx chrono order -

    All the ICAC stuff and now this re NSW taxpayer $'s to help her then squeeze big-note himself in Wagga-Wagga.
    Plenty reasons there to fall on sword.

    Her 2020 coming out as greener than a card carrying Green - from idiot sneaky secretive Koala maps through Minister Kean's GREEN plans for NSW electricity grid - appointing Ex PM Turnbull to be head of Minister Kean's Net Zero Emissions and Clean Economy board - then within hours/days the Upper Hunter Byelection erupted requiring Turnbull to be fired.
    Plenty reasons there to fall on sword.

    Her entire performance over 18 months running NSW responses to Covid19

    Starting 2020 with Ruby Princess disaster/fiasco - nobody took responsibility.

    Around same time the disgusting NewMarch aged care disaster where families were locked out from seeing their aged rels - the sick old people were denied hospital care then exposed to Covid infected staff who were running between this, that and the other work site infecting aged people. You could not make it up and nobody from NSW Gov took responsibility.

    2021 Failing to have elementary precautions in place to protect drivers ferrying international air-crew around - ELEMENTARY - which lead to current NSW/Oz disaster - nobody from NSW Gov has taken responsibility.

    So to sum up - prob a dozen good reasons for the Premier to let somebody else have a go at being NSW Premier.
    Last edited by Welkin31: 09/08/21
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