Berejiklian just blamed NSW's deepening crisis on people not telling the truth, page-5

  1. 46,780 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @oldbull26; Gladys was at her long-winded, blabbering best and demonstrably stressed by what's confronting her.

    Delta's out of the box and with roughly a hundred infected people having been active in the community up until a few days ago Berejiklian is rightly deeply concerned.

    But her decision to bag Greater Sydneysiders for not telling the truth following Hazzard's recent comments about just letting the virus rip will have deeply upset many people.

    Whereas Andrews managed to take Victorians with him despite the relentless efforts to undermine Victoria's efforts to terminate the virus by senior Liberals and Murdoch Mouthpieces; Berejiklian appears to have decided to shame and blame those she's expected to keep safe while turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to what's spewed out by Morrison and his Muppets.
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