pd/ dex, You once posted that we have very different views - and...

  1. 5,033 Posts.

    pd/ dex,

    You once posted that we have very different views - and for that you are correct.

    You appear to come from the progressive so called 'sensible left'. The same faction that trecherous (I realise you don't appreciate that truthful adjective) Mal is the leader of.

    I (and many like me who you deride as having 'fringe views held by a very small minority of Australians' come from the 'normal thinking centre'. Unfortunately (for you) those 'fringe views' aren' that 'fringe'. They are what the normal person in the street thinks. Its why his conservative movement has 50,000+ people as signed up. Its why people like Bolt (and the Bolt report on sky is highly popular) - hardly fringe as the Turnbulites would like to pretend.

    Oh - lets not forget Trump and Brexit - outcomes by your' fringe'?

    Good wind up post from you though!

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