best and worst threads

  1. 3,746 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 104
    While watching the rugby, thinking how some threads are more focused with strong technical posts. Others are valuable but have a lot of rabid posters that can disrupt and then the waste of space threads.

    Most of us only follow so many, so I list some threads with ranking out of 10 and brief comment.

    SSN 9 Valuable content, inc from Yahoo, also field intel. Little crap
    NWE 8 Strong technically and no much disharmony, civil
    PEN 7 Good technicals, robust debates, rabid emo detracts
    AOH 6.5 Good content, seems to be reasonable crew
    MMR 6 Recent improver with new posters
    CNQ 6 Valuable content and seem a friendly, +ve crew
    AVB 5.5 Reasonable, those who bought in 2011 prone to cry in beer
    VOR 5 Impatient lot, some don't know where Mongolia is
    GOR 5 Balanced thread, little clubby, needs more posters
    ORD 4 Strung out, quite a lot of speculation and losing posters
    GOA 4 Every drill is going to prove this is the next El Dorado
    BPH 3 Too many grumps from disappointing biomed roots
    CTP 1 Recent turmoil brought out worst. Low content, split camps

    Anyone else have some rankings, which is the best thread?
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