best news story/ scientific study of the year.

  1. 2,633 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 427
    Hi everyone,

    wasn't sure where to post this one, and I was surprised to see that, as far as I could tell, the media in Australia didn't pick up on the story.

    This is a direct quote from MSNBC (link down the bottom)
    This is the best scientific story I've seen for a while.


    Squeezing breasts could prevent cancer, best study ever says

    Getting to second base, the holy grail for hormonal boys, is now science: New research has shown that squeezing breasts could prevent malignant breast cells from causing cancer. This doesn’t give pervy dudes license to grope you on the subway, ladies, but it does mean boob-grabbing should be a regular part of your self-care routine (yes, absolutely try it DIY-style). Experiments found that physical pressure led cells back to normal growth patterns, and that even after compression was no longer applied, the malignant cells stopped growing. Spread the word, boob-lovers of the world.


    So everyone, for Christmas, do your bit to prevent breast cancer.
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