best way to learn about charts, page-6

  1. 686 Posts.
    Watch youtube video's of some missing members..
    (For starters - worth more than any textbook your ever going to read... well i think so)

    Watching a plain blank chart turn into something with meaning (with supported conclusions), the approach they took and why is by far a very powerful lesson.

    Then rinse and repeat over and over, compare your charts with people on HCopper/ask for feedback from the others.

    Then go back to the drawing board and repeat process over again. Add one indicator at a time and learn it in and out (something i am yet to apply)... but still remember PRICE is king (you buy and sell on price, not a stochs/macd level - but they are powerful tools, im not knocking them!)

    Get an IGMarkets demo account and stay up late and chart forex, see how price reacts to your plans (BUT DO NOT TRADE). Then come back to equities and apply what you have learned.

    Equities is definitely a diff ball game in regards to charting but principles still do apply. But if you work, you cant really sit there and chart all day can you (well i would but IT block all external applications haha).

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