Better solution to suppress investors?, page-145

  1. 8,309 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 163
    "Sounds like you are against people getting ahead?"...

    Hmm not really. It just feels like society today is all about "me, me, me" Screw everyone else as long as I'm making lots of money.

    "Would you rather people owned one home and when they retire live off the goverment via a state paid pension?"

    I'd rather that people have their own home and put extra money into superannuation or shares to fund their retirement. Of course, many won't be able to fund some or any of that but they have worked hard throughout their lives and deserve a pension. We pay enough taxes tat's for sure!

    "How about company profits ? Are you anti companies making profits?"

    Not necessarily but I am against massive company profits and fat executive salaries. I always vote against the remuneration section on my proxy forms. I'm also bitter because I've watched the company I work for increase shareholder dividends at the expense of staff wage freezes (multiple ones since the GFC) I think they are up to 42 consecutive years of increasing dividends while my wage has gone backwards in real terms.
    Hate the big 4 banks and don't personally own shares in them because of my distain for them. (yes I know my super fund holds them)

    "Should everything be state controlled ?"

    Not such a bad idea is it? Privatisation was supposed to save us all money wasn't it? I wouldn't mind seeing the government take back some basic infrastructure and control the pricing. My water bill has never been bigger since they passed that off to Unitywater. Got to pay the executives big wages there for all their hard work :/

    "What do you think about everyone wearing pink socks on Tuesdays and blue hats on Fridays?"
    Mmm don't care. But hen that's why schools have uniforms isn't it. So all kids are equal not poor vs rich with designer clothes.

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