I don't have fancy photos, but just to provide some...

  1. 641 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    I don't have fancy photos, but just to provide some balance, here are a few people who managed to spend time on their knees (or however they chose to pray) and do some pretty impressive things...

    1. Copernicus - scientist, proposed the idea that planets revolve around the sun

    2. Johannes Kepler - scientist and mathematician, proposed the elliptical orbit of planets and the law that planets don't move at a uniform speed

    3. Isaac Newton - gravity dude, invented calculus

    4. J S Bach - one of the most accomplished composers ever

    5. Handel - ditto

    6. Michelangelo - one of the most accomplished artists ever

    7. Rembrandt - ditto

    8. JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings

    9. C S Lewis - Narnia

    10. Charles Dickens - Maybe the most famous author of all time

    11. John D Rockefeller - one of the most influential businessmen of the 20th century

    12. William Wilberforce - key player in abolishing slavery

    That's probably enough. I just get a bit defensive when people suggest Christians haven't or cannot or do not achieve amazing things (as per the original post).

    I absolutely accept that a tonne of awful things have been done in the name of religion, or by hypocritical, flawed people who profess to be Christian - and I'm very cynical about many things that some churches or some "Christians" do or say - but I can't deny that much of the good that happens in communities all around the country and around the world is done by Christian people and Christian organisations. Some of the biggest advancements in science, the arts and business have been made by Christians. So don't assume that people who are warming the pews on a Sunday morning aren't doing some pretty meaningful or useful work during the rest of the week.

    Sermon over. Have an awesome rest of the day. As always, DYOR
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