FFX 0.00% 20.0¢ firefinch limited

BGS's chart pattern, page-2

  1. 1,006 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1052
    If recent history is going to repeat then the chart below suggests this is about to happen.

    KJ knows a lot more about our ground now than he did six months ago when he secured our 250ks tenement.

    For example "what would it take to send 2 prospectors on the BGS team 2klms North,South,East and West to collect rock samples for analysis to help determine the next phase of drilling and the most prospective sites".
    Not much I would suggest.

    Not to mention the other 240ks to investigate. And Gold. And more gold (hopefully)

    60ish MC seems pretty silly really.

    Good Luck All
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