bible allow religious killing worse than islam, page-30

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    963 Posts.
    The problem is who is the judge?

    this is a problem for those that follow religious books

    No people who follow religious books believe God should judge.I dont follow religious books.Why follow your conscience? How does one acquire and preserve a healthy conscience?

    Who is qualified to say this is right this is wrong.

    i am. you are. anyone that understands their own life & mind is qualified

    To a degree I understand my life etc.. but my opinion is different to yours. Prehaps you mean people with a well developed conscience like your self. People like yourself are likely to be in minority I would guess.

    Moses was the leader, he chose to kill.

    a 'leader' has no inherent right to kill others

    A leader has the right to apply laws and do what is in the interest of his people. Mafia are a criminal organisation.

    I can not remember this story, is it indicated if God was pleased or not with his actions.

    there is no evidence for any "God". there are only religious books written by men.

    you are attempting to not only rationalise the violence in a religious book but you are also giving up your personal conscience to a religious book.

    You didnt even try to answer the question. I am not rationalising I am trying to explain. The evidence for God depends on your expectations, prehaps you have been unduly influenced by religious books. It could be Moses did sin in this instance, you read these books, some of the bible is history some offers moral instruction, what was the outcome of the story? You started this thread, you used the story of Moses as an example and asked the question how is the commandment thou shall not kill to be interpreted. Now you say its all nonsense and any one answering the question is corrupt.

    I killed a lamb yesterday it was fly blown and in poor condition, I didnt think it could recover.


    This is a social chat site/forum, while superfluous I didnt see any harm in adding some personal background and my qualification to discuss these things. That sentence began a paragraph in which I suppose I was trying to say you can kill animals but are not allowed to murder people. Theoretically to me humans are just sophisticated animals. So I kill animals why cant I kill humans? In practice I know I would be in big trouble and not just from the law. May be my conscience would trouble me. Where ever the retribution came from I would perceive it as being ultimately from God.

    Buddhism is against killing any creature

    not really. it depends on the circumstances

    The lamb didnt want to die, I could tell. I have killed thousands of animals I cant recall any giving an indication they want to die. I dont think it is a good thing killing creatures. That lamb would almost certainly have died with in a week, possibly if I had really tried and I had spent lots of time, money and effort it would have made it. But I am unlikely to be in any trouble. My boss would have been angry or more likely disappointed if I hadnt cut its throat.

    Moses did what he had to. A few years ago I read of a commando team in Iraq or some where years ago that was discovered by a young boy. There leader chose not to kill the boy who then raised the alarm. Several members of the team died as a result and hundreds of Iraq. That leader said years latter he did the right thing. No not in my opinion.

    I dont expect to be punished for killing the lamb

    if you are to be punished, it is self-inflicted. it all depends on your relationship with the lamb. if you would be happy to die if you were in the same situation as the lamb then it is consistent with your own true conscience

    I would like to have been given a chance, any chance if I was the lamb.

    This conscience you talk about why do we have one. If you dont believe in some creative force is it purely a survival characteristic developed from natural selection? If it is and we are in a situation where we could die or not leave progeny can we ignore our conscience.
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