bible allow religious killing worse than islam, page-42

  1. 9,046 Posts.
    whereu….you deserve the utmost respect and gratitude…Not only are you raising young relatives - you are providing future taxpayers….future workers, wherever their chosen vocations lead them….and young Australians who will value and treasure their time with you - and are being raised to treasure their nation. Which happens less and less now with younger parents who have been indoctrinated by the left, and seeing examples with politicians so eager to sell us, so eager to take our livelihoods away, so eager to destroy the social fabric which made us what we were….
    That would be the Labor and Liberal parties….Take away Medicare Tony and watch the Greens win the next election…You are an idiot….I was a Liberal voter years ago…but now find them as contemptible as Labor….Only the minor parties have righteous agendas and honesty….Labor and Liberals are lying, deceitful, scum - who toy with us while they sell and destroy the future….

    Rise Up Australia….

    And thanks again whereu….Damn hard road you are on….but Australia will be eternally grateful. You should write regularly to your MP's and Senate members to make sure they are aware of it…no matter how much they don't care about anything beyond themselves...
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