I'm for once not going to go into great detail in addressing all...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I'm for once not going to go into great detail in addressing all your post, as I have done this several times in the past, and it appears you ignored many valid and vital points, or perhaps misunderstood.
    (LOL, just come back up here, it got long, but it is NOT in great detail, if one wants the Whole truth).

    Try standing back out of the picture in your mind for a minute or two and consider another thought.
    A key point being introduced in 1:1, 2 is word, the word -> NO capital W is justified either.
    1:1...........and God was the Word ( God is Word).
    In Psa 138:2, it shows that God has magnified His word above his name = Showing you that he deems his word more important for you to take notice of.

    (I never copied the link, but even said trinity scholars say, that if the word order of 1:1c above was the case, then that tells a whole new story.
    Another area which is relevant, is in 1:1 b, they leave out "the" God.
    If you check out a post of RM's just recently, he claims (rightfully) if the "the" was in there, then 'the God' and the Word are one in the same, and zero Jesus would appear.
    'The God' in 1:1b becomes the lead in subject of 1:1c...........and God was the Word, NOT Jesus).

    John 1:2 This; was in beginning = NO "he" in the CLEAR one of definition and "this" is referring to a logos/plan in the mind, wisdom etc of God 1:1b.

    Basically, word, the word of God is the subject, but at the same time in 1:1, 2, Word and God are one in the same, until he express's his word.
    While you word in in you (mind) it is you.......and God was the Word (was/is Word, his word being his Spirit (which he is) person expressed).

    Years ago, a number of translations had your following quote as I'll show.
    Word, words the subject from 1 & 2 expressed - "Through him it all things were made; without himit nothing was made that has been made.
    And God said, and God said let there be light, alone and by himself Isa 44:24, Psa 33:6,9.

    1:4 In it life was -> 1 Peter 1:23 - Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
    John 1:13 - Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

    Keep in mind also, God's words are deemed as Spirit....................and life = Word and Spirit are interchange and either one can be used.
    OT - The Word said to me..............the Spirit said to me = Yehowah (Father) said to me).
    John 5:26 For as the Father has life in himself (words) so has he given to the Son (words) to have life in himself.
    6:68 - Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

    As you know, Jesus comes on the scene and one of the Key themes with him, he repeatedly says, he speaks the Fathers words.
    He picks up the banner and runs with it, became the Key carrier of it and named to represent this - The Word of God.
    He is also the product of it Luke. Isa 55:10,11 for example.
    "Who did John testify about?.."
    "23 John replied in the words of
    Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’Yehowah

    Isa40:3 - The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of Yehowah; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God.
    Mal 3:1 - Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to the temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith Yehowah of hosts.

    So, the way at first is being prepared for Yehowah, for most of the first 13 verses of John's prologue (OT carry over), who was, what was and what his word means, represents and brings, which John the Baptist would have been preaching as well as adding to that, about the one that would soon appear.
    John teaching as per the 13 verse, OT ways, knowledge, baptizing with water and said the one coming will baptize with the Holy Spirit = change to some degree coming, when Jesus suddenly appeared.
    Hence the writer of John, has picked up on the same theme, introducing the Father first in the 13 verses, so you know who the son is of and sure enough, you have the SUDDEN appearance, mention of Jesus in 1:14 and not long after meeting John, he heads to the Temple.
    The 18 verses of John's prologue is then in a perfect chronological order, instead of jumping all over the place, going forward and then backward.
    And the word from Yehowah to the Angel, to Mary became flesh - man = Luke. Isa 55:10, 11 etc.
    John 1:14 - And the Word Man (existing - Luke) became = (on the scene) and dwelt in (among) us and we beheld the glory of it (him), glory as only begotten by the side of the Father, full of grace and truth -> Glory being the word of God.
    John 17:8, 17:17, 17:22.

    1:14 Does NOT say .....And the Word became Man (flesh).
    And God was/is the Word.
    Word God - image of = Word Man is how Jesus is being introduced in 1:14
    Become born again - become a Word of God.
    Jesus become a Word of God, titled "The".

    1:14 is not talking about when or how Jesus became flesh.
    My advice, rethink your last two lines, as he at first was testifying for Yehowah, who would soon send the Son into the world, After his Baptism John 17:18 for ex. wink.png

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