Bible is supernaturally inspired., page-49

  1. 23,969 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "I dont think you see that Gods son came in the fathers name"

    If I adopted, accepted the ways of Angus and spread those ways, I could say I come in Angus's name or in the spirit of Angus.
    You as yet have not provided a verse where Jesus was given or has the name of the Father, who is the likes of Yehowah.
    "Heb 1 says that God himself told the angels to worship him=divine"

    As has been pointed out to you several times -> your quote here is AFTER the cross, exalted, glorified etc.
    Prior which is at his birth from Mary, his beginnings of all time, he was made lower than Angels to suffer death.
    Not reduced from something greater.

    The worshiping is because of what he did Col 1:18, firstborn from the dead SO THAT in all thing he would hold preeminence.
    "John says that the son is the express image of his father=of like substance"

    He was raised in the word (Fathers) Due 18:18, and had it without measure, so when he expressed them out, he became the express image of the God and Fathers person -> Word - The Word.
    Your words being your spirit person expressed John 14:10, Heb 1:3 KJV.
    "There is one mediator between God and men"

    1 Tim 2:5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
    He wasn't a man in OT times = HOUSTON Angus has a problem wink.png

    Col 1:18 - And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead;so that in all things he might have the preeminence.
    "With the way your understanding works,creates a problem,if what you are saying is correct and the son only became the son at the incarnation

    Then the people in the old covenant and ot and judged completely different to those in the new,two different standards ,which would be totally unfair"

    Rev 13:8 show that in God's plans, these people would eventually be covered under the Jesus to be.
    Don't we have verses or a verse, where Jesus went and spoke to those in prison of or from those times?

    " only became the son at the incarnation"

    Luke and other verse make this very clear, because of the way he was made, he "will be called the Son of God" = no son at that point.
    "He was the word of God"

    Results of, as per Luke, Isa 55:10, 11 for ex.
    So in that context, he can be deemed as a Word of God, notice the "of" there, comes from The Word, you are not what you are "of".
    Become born again, become a Word of God LOL.

    Gens -> be fruitful and multiply = the word of God and the word became Angus. tongue.png
    "As soon as there was sin,there was a saviour"

    According to Rev 13:8, there was a plan for a saviour, before sin happened.
    The OT also shows, God - Yehowah alone back then, was the one and only saviour, but we know he was always going to do this through a future one.
    "It was the son leading isreal through the desert etc =in his fathers name"

    No it was the Father, the Bible is very Clear, the Rock followed (not lead) them, the Rock being Jesus and the context of the "followed", is long after they had died.
    That message of the future one and hopes, was the spiritual milk they drank.
    "Thats why Abraham gave tithes to Melchizidec the priest everlasting"

    I think you have caught some of the Mothers bugs there biggrin.png, spitem out lol.
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