The Trump camp must be becomming desperate when they rely on the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769

    The Trump camp must be becomming desperate when they rely on the dead for help!
    But at least Mr Williams wont sue Trump; unlike the musos from whom Trump illegally pirated music .

    One thing for sure, if Donald gets dementia we'd never know it because he'd be still his same old demented self!

    IMO, all Joe has to do is to stay alive and he'll romp it home.The world is sick and tired of old corrupted pollies and it is crying our for fresh/young/idealistic leaders like Trudeau or Macron to breathe optimism into a really depressed world wracked by disease, poverty, anxiety , paranoia and pessimism.

    Again, IMO, the BLM movement is more about poverty and lack of opportunity rather than unequal treatmentof of people of colour by the police & courts. And as Clinton's speechwriter wrote in the early 1990s: " Its the Economy Stupid".

    America has to wake up and take responsibility for its industrial demise and poverty and do like what its forefathers did in times of adversity; pull a finger out, re-industrialise and get on with it.

    China is a much different adversary than the former USSR in that it is now the biggest global manufacturer, the biggest global trader with a GDP PPP adjusted of 25% bigger than that of the USA.

    The challenge now for "The American Way" is for the USA to demonstrate that it is the best in the world ; not just the biggest and it can do that by taking over 40 million people off food stamps(code for poverty), offer a decent affordable universal health system and provide equal opportunity for the young and prove that all Americans are born equal as per their constitution.

    The Roman Empire imploded after 500 years of then global dominance because it neglected to shore-up its home economy and relied on military might and skimming the colonies to maintain global hegemony.

    The USA has emulated that since 1945 via its military-industrial complex and its multinational corporations.

    It is a bit of a tragedy to see multi millionaires (some in jail now) bribing US University officials to get their sons & daughters into University while millions of Young Americans , due to poverty, dont have equal opportunity to acquire a decent education let alone a decent job. The University officials sjhould also be jailed, too, IMO.

    I have lived there off and on for 4 years and , IMO, the reality for the vast majority of Americans was worlds away from the American Dream
    making it a fantasy rather than a realistic goal.

    So, IMO, we are living in very interesting time where social media, globalisation and ithe ability to differentiate between truth and fake news is cutting through official propaganda like a physic of salts.

    Corvid-19 is highlighting US weaknesses where the cult of the individual trumps general societal needs. In Kennedy's words: " Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

    If America can't get a young Joe Kennedy* to lead it, then perhaps the NY Governor would be a good second choice!

    * I wouldn't blame young Joe Kennedy for not running for President seeing that the Right Wing extremist agents knocked off his 2 uncles.
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