Text, you are correct.Trump has PLENTY to run on and it will be...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Text, you are correct.

    Trump has PLENTY to run on and it will be tough debating him based on all of this.
    By the time the election comes around, he will have quite a bit done on the wall.

    - he can point to NK firing rockets every 24 days , while there have been NONE since he started dealing with them. On top of that NK & SK crossed the DMZ for the first time in decades.

    - He wins on Israel hands down

    - brought back more hostages than the previous t presidents in two years than in his 8 year tenure.

    - His victory over ISIS territories , taking back nearly 100% of their territories will be a huge bonus especially when Hillary & Obama (Biden) mocked Trump for “having no plan”.

    - the magic wand that Obama said Trump must have if he “thinks” he can get back manufacturing jobs.

    - Trump is easily the toughest president on China and not only stood up to China in what all “experts” said would destroy the US in a “trade war”, he is actually winning and China is faltering. NB - Joe Biden’s weakness is China as he has been incredibly soft on them and his son has become rich through Chinese deals on the heals of his fatger’s Visits, China is a real weakness for Biden.

    - it’s the economy stupid!!!!! Unemployment , GDP etc

    - NAFTA was never going to get renegotiated

    - prison reform !!! Even a black president could get it done

    - campaign to legalise homosexuality in every country

    - no Russian collusion and the tables are about to be turned on the deep state. And Bernie has a few questions to answer in regard to Russia.

    Dems only really have healthcare and “Orange man Bad” to run on. Of course they also have Open borders, prisoners voting rights, 3rd term abortion , sanctuary cities and increasing taxes to run on but ........
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