Biden staggers through 2021 into....?, page-5

  1. 16,304 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    The Democrat party of today are quasi- communists
    .I say "quasi" because, although they now believe in total government control is as many areas of life as they can insert themselves, they bear no resemblance to the communists of the past.
    Lenin, Trotsky & Stalin, and their successors in divers places, needed total control of the means of yadayada because only in that way could they enforce obedience. But now, all of that control is available through channels to the mind without an ever present NKVD or KGB or Stasi. The internet has brought us to this through social media like Facebook, Twitter etc plus the overwhelming transition of legacy newspapers to mass media propaganda vehicles, which being run by people now who have grown up in the Age of One-directional Education, are willing partners and actors in this new form of communism.
    A complete.makeover of society is in progress, if you but had the insight to recognise it. It includes all kinds of diversions which technology makes possible and social changes such as the LBGTQ movement, designed to disorient the communal mind like a card trick so that the fundamentals of what is changing in society are like a mirage.
    The old communists would have had these Democrat- communists rounded up and shot because they don't at all represent the goals of their struggle. Although they were ruthless killers, they did have a goal of an equal society, but we know of course that is so much pie in the sky.
    Today's Democrats, and their fraternal partners elsewhere, have an oligarchical society as their aim, with the masses lulled into a somnolent state of delusion. Most dependent on the welfare state and a middle class of technocrats & functionaries necessary to the smooth running of the whole shebang. Biden's Build Back Better is an example of this whole ratbaggery.
    It's a delusion and only a return to a sound middle of the road government for a lengthy period has any hope of turning the ship of state around.
    Trump can restart that process and I hope to god he gets the chance.

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