He's certainly not as inventive as DJT. His largest actual cash...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8

    He's certainly not as inventive as DJT. His largest actual cash donation was to himself by way of the now closed Trump Foundation.

    "Vast Majority Of Trump’s Charitable Giving Reportedly Came From Land Deals

    President Donald Trump has long boasted of his philanthropy, but the overwhelming bulk of his charitable tax deductions have come from agreeing not to develop land, in some instances after he had given up on plans to do so, according to a New York Times analysis of his tax returns, and he reportedly has reneged on several pledges to donate to charity and sped up his giving after launching his presidential campaign.

    Trump has reported $130 million in charitable giving on his tax returns since 2005, but $119.3 million came from easements he signed with conservation groups in which he agreed not to develop three plots of land, the Times reported, two of which he had plans for that had been stymied, as well as from a donation of land he had failed to develop to New York State for a park.

    Trump’s campaign claimed the day he launched his campaign in 2015 that he had given $102 million to charity in the previous five years, but he only reported $735,238 in cash donations and $26.8 million in land and non-cash gifts during that period, according to tax records obtained by the Times.

    “It is possible that he chose not to report some of his giving,” the Times noted, with Trump Organization spokesperson Amanda Miller telling them it’s “impossible to know” how much Trump has donated to charity because he “gives money privately.”

    Trump’s largest cash donation, according to the Times: $400,000 he received for his 2011 Comedy Central roast that he gave to his own Trump Foundation, which shuttered in 2018 amid allegations from New York State’s attorney general that he used it to illegally benefit his business and political interests."

    "“I gave a lot of money to charity. I could release a list. I don't talk about my tax rate because I'm under audit but when the audit's finished I'll give you my tax returns.”


    "Trump is being investigated by New York Attorney General Letitia James for allegedly overvaluing his assets to his lenders and on his tax returns. A filing from that case alleges Trump demanded that his tax lawyer appraise one of his properties – which he donated in 2015 for a $21.1 million tax break after failing to turn it into a golf course – and inflate its value, the Times reported. Miller told the Times Trump “was not involved” in the appraisals."

    "Did Trump Overvalue His Properties? Here’s What We Know About the Inquiry

    The New York State attorney general is investigating whether the president and the Trump Organization improperly inflated the value of his holdings."


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