Biden was holding classified documents in his office. Watch the double standard unfold, page-91

  1. 17,093 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 112
    Oooopppsss...youze right ...again your version of the universe...was Biden empowered entitled or legally allowed to have the classified docs in his possessions years after he left office

    Just seeing if you know the law

    And how is that when the news broke DT had the docs it was:
    • a national emergency
    • democracy was at risk
    • nuclear codes were being sold
    • DT needed to be charged
    • DT needed to be precluded from holding public office

    How come none of that apples now?
    Just interested in the pretzel you twist yourself into to answer

    And I'm not referring to the positions taken by you and your lot after he "failed to comply" was when it was first discovered he had classified docs at ML.

    A few more questions:
    • Why were his lawyers, for goodness sake, searching a closet
    • Why was it done then after so many years?
    • Anything to do with the GOP to win the House with subpoena power?
    • Who had access to the room in the intervening years?
    • What sort of security was on the closet?
    • What's the Chinese connection to the place?
    • Why didn't the news of it come before the midterms as they handed them in plenty of time?
    • Did Garland know of this when he appointed the Special Counsel to investigate DT?

    So many little interest on your part

    • How many docs were there? Why take the media's word...they dont know but what the Dems have fed them?
    • And why Ukraine?

    We will eventually get to know but im just pointing out your total lack of interest
    You and the handful of mindless drones of the left and the Dems
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