BIDEN, page-817

  1. 29,607 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    watso does not know the first thing about florida - but the population growth in texas was mentioned in a news item...

    it seems that 95% of the population growth in texas was from non whites - ie democrat leaning voters..

    anyway, the good old texan republicans have a great gerrymander to ensure white supremacy ..

    Justice Department Sues Texas Over Gerrymandered Redistricting Plan..

    Texans of color are responsible for 95% of Texas’ population growth over the past decade, according to recent census figures. But the new maps significantly limit their political power, the department determined, citing the fact that while the minority population growth resulted in the state gaining two new seats in the U.S. House, lawmakers drew both districts to have white-majority populations.

    Under the new maps, white Texans would make up the majority population of 23 of the state’s 38 congressional districts, 89 of its 150 state House districts and 20 of its 31 state Senate districts, meaning a population that makes up roughly 40% of Texas as a whole would make up majorities in roughly 60% of its districts.

    another read here

    DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA - IT IS RIGGED(just like the casino)..
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