BIG 0.00% $2.22 burrendong minerals limited

BIG Chart, page-1974

Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 31 MARCH 2025 12:00 PM AEDT ##
  1. 299 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    The job ads wwre on seek and then i just contacted a few people that came up on linkedin and asked

    Obviously wont disclose their names but yeah its not really a secret or anything im sure if asked sonia etc would confirm it

    Im just taking a bit more of a stressed point of view from you guys since im in the red and youre all in thr black lol. I will be so relieved when the results are out and hopefully were abovr 4.50
    Last edited by david.brent: 03/01/18
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