biggest political swindle of all time, page-58

  1. 787 Posts.
    Dear siameseparrot

    I attend the odd meeting with various attendees, who are the architects for various strategies to guide our planet through some tumultuous periods.

    We are at the start of a paradigm shift in the availability and affordability of food and energy on this planet, whether you subsribe to that idea or not.

    Plenty of people (average and otherwise intelligent) in the early 1900's did not see that a horse and cart could ever be replaced by some new fangled . . . . what do you call it? . . . . a motor car!! . . .

    Price and productivity will drive the future of everything on this planet, as we, or should I say some of us, are up to our necks in debt, this is not debatable. I am not saying debt is a bad thing, as long as it is controlled and used for a long term economic benefit, not a long term holiday.

    In short, if you believe that everything is politically driven, you would be entirely wrong. Some of these meetings, politicians attend ( Prime Ministers and Presidents), they are basically told like children what to do, or there is going to be no Television for a week ( I kid you not )they then have to find an acceptable way to deliver it to the voters.

    If I owned a coal fired power station in Australia, and it needed upgrading or refinancing, I would be VERY nervous after what was put in front of me last week.

    Have you noticed a sudden need of governments to divest themselves of power assets in recent times, . . . they have been told.

    If a carbon tax is introduced within the next 3 years
    (which IMO has a 99.99% probability), it will be for the benefit of OUR children and OUR future. Because when you are standing on the environmental ship called the "Titanic", getting the musicians to play a nice tune and instill confidence, is not going to stop you, or your children from drowning, before help arrives (after the fact)

    *Carbon Tax" Get use to the idea . . . . . remember when the evil GST, VAT, or any other derivative of a consumption tax was introduced, . . . . . its just part of life now.

    Swim with the tide . . . . . I see too many people drown going against it.


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