The union bosses who own and control the labor party and their...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    The union bosses who own and control the labor party and their mentally unstable socialists and greenie consiprators create bait and switch diversion slike this to distract the public from the real strategy and their real business of "root-and-fleece" to divert tax-payer funds into the pockets of pockets of the union crony network and the union bosses pockets.

    No-one outside of the shady back-room union bosses and the greenie wackos forced union stooge gillard to suddenly back-flip and lie about unnecessary and devastating carbon taxes, creating a massive public relation disaster and polarising the nation... largely against the blatant and obvious lies that gillard spews contempuously at the now slightly less gullible and trusting public.

    This is a completely self-induced disaster by the union bosses, the unstable greenies and their 100% owned and controlled stooge gillard.

    Look for the man behind the curtain, dont be distracted by the left hand while the right hand picks your pocket.

    It is likely that the real action of "rort and fleece" is hidden from view by this created distraction.

    It could be that the union bosses have decided to dump gillard in a rudd-style political assassination and so are setting the stage for the union bosses to bring out the union jackboots after the complete and absolute failure of the recent massive aroung the clock "media-flood" to attempt to salvage the toxic gillard-brand and smear-and-destroy Rhodes scholar and Iron-man Tony Abbott.

    It could be the union bosses strategy is that the next stooge they select to be out appointed PM and their frontman, will again claim, like the failed gillard, "never-never-no-carbon-tax" to fool the dumbed down youngsters and remaining gullible voters in a never ending "Lucy-and-Linus-style-football-game".

    The union bosses know that their cobbled together mess of stooges, scoundrels and wackos must be on the verge of imminent collape and they are preparing for the upcoming election that they know the toxic, treacherous and untrustworthy gillard cannot win.

    A self-induced disaster like this if probably done as part of a broader strategy...

    watch and wait for the second act and watch for the real action and cashflows from taxpayer to union boss and their cronies...

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