Thats how the hard core right wingers think. Always expressing...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Thats how the hard core right wingers think.
    Always expressing misogyny, attacking women of influence.
    Always bemoaning a woman's right to a legal abortion.
    Never condemning the men who bash and abuse them
    and worse.

    Apparently its evil for a Muslim or non white person to
    inflict abuse on women but no mention of most attacks which
    come from white caucasian males. These hard
    right conservatives overlook such abuse, you might say
    they white wash it.

    On the other hand decent people from all non extreme sides
    of the political spectrum abhor and condemn all those that
    commit crimes and abuse against women regardless of ethnicity,
    religion or colour.

    Hard core right wingers have more in common with the religious
    nutters than any normal decent Labor or Liberal inclined voter who
    judge people by their individual character rather than tarring whole
    communities because of the actions of some nutters in society.

    This thread is about Bill and Islam. Seems Bill has similar views to
    Tony Abbott in that both he and Tony blame the radicalised elements
    and individuals who misuse their religion as a pretext to do harm.

    "Sydney siege: Abbott refuses to blame Islam for Man Haron Monis's actions
    Prime minister says hostage taker was a ‘deeply unstable person’ rather than representative of Islamic community, telling the ABC: ‘we don’t blame the pope for the IRA’"
    Last edited by eagle888: 16/11/18
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