Was that really meant to upset me, turbiditic.But I'll give you...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    Was that really meant to upset me, turbiditic.

    But I'll give you a chance.

    Firstly, yes I have opinions on the US Israel and world events.

    And that they are different to yours is OK with me but obviously not with you.

    Use the Search function (get your Mom to show you how) and post here ANY evidence where I have demonstrated bigotry in the true sense of the word.

    I mean bigotry can be contrived to be a description of anyone with a set of views.

    But methinks you were alluding to a more perjorative meaning.

    So go ahead and make your case.

    Oh....(ya gotta love the internet) I looked up turbiditic and the closest I found really does fit (get in touch with Fallguy) - you have both picked nicks that are clearly in tune with the realities of your position.

    One entry found for turbid.

    Main Entry: tur·bid
    Pronunciation: 't&r-b&d
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Latin turbidus confused, turbid, from turba confusion, crowd, probably from Greek tyrbE confusion
    Date: 1626

    1 a : thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sediment b : heavy with smoke or mist

    2 a : deficient in clarity or purity : FOUL, MUDDY
    b : characterized by or producing obscurity (as of mind or emotions)
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