bill shorten budget reply, page-21

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Bill Shorten tonight reminded me of an onion - the more layers of himself he peeled away, the nastier he was - tears to the eyes stuff.

    Puffed up, in front of his Gallery stacked (no doubt via HIS own entity's brethren - the Get-Up brigade) phony applause -
    (do these people actually get paid to be part of the Labor rent-a-crowd - shuffled around - usually the Q&A audience?)
    on he rambled, full of ire, spit, venom, viciousness - calling Abbott "liar" under Parliamentary roof's privilege (coward!) and calling Hockey "coward" - which he was doing a good job of being, himself - again, under cowardly coiver of Parliamentary privilege.

    Red tied (what else!) on and on he went with his hate-filled ranting.

    Not a word about what HE would do - his Party would do. Just a spew of continuous hatred of Abbott and Hockey - what a horrble human being. No grace, no dignity, no manners - and who are they to talk. Labor?

    Never old us it wad THEM who let us all in this giant mess.

    Never told us it was Wayne Swann who kept telling prokies about imminent surpluses he knew darn well (they all did) he'd never deliver.

    All that poured out of his nastily set little mouth, tonight, was vicious attack -

    Wasn't it Labor, Bill, who were going to put up retirement age to 67. So Liberals take it to 70. YOUR Party made the first move for age UP! You are a hypocrite.

    I could go on, but it's ruddy boring. (Anyone ask former Unionist Bob Kernahan how "nice" Shorten really is, in that man's opinion. For Bill, tonight, wanted us to believe he was Mr. Fixit - Saint Bill -come on - do you think we're all THAT stupid? And gullible.

    and worst of all, NO admission from him, or those trying to look serious, and worried (safe on THEIR own huge salaries) - that THEY, for the last six years, have been THE problem!

    What a pack of hypocrites.

    Ultra selective outrage.

    He accuses Abbott of untruths - but delivered many himself, during this vicious rant.

    And, at the end,. none of us any the wiser - he didn't itemize ONE thing he intended to do.

    "Cheap Shots" Shorten - you know ALL about 'em mate! In fact, you thrive on them - an expert! It's about all you're good at.

    With Shorten, and his future, I'd say - it's "watch this space".

    Wasn't it you, and your then lover, Nicola Roxon, back in 1996, good friends with Gillard and Wilson? When Gillard worked for Slater and Gordon. You and Nicola at Maurice and Blackburn?

    Wonder how close that friendship was? Other might know the details. I don't. Not alleging anything here - just curious, how close was this friendship?

    Getting down and dirty sometimes has repercussions. Wouldn't be too "holier than thou" and run too fast up to the high moral ground, if I were you, Mr. Shorten. Most of us have skeletons in various cupboards. Some of them very clattery!

    We can all slur and defame. You did that well tonight - but ommitted your role as Opposition Leader - you didn't tell us ONE thing about what YOU would DO which would be better!

    Back to the footy. A lot more positive than this sulking sourpuss tonight. Go Pies!
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