you can agree or not agree and you may think I should back up my...

  1. 18,243 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    you can agree or not agree and you may think I should back up my comments with hard data but I’ll wait till everything you post is similarly backed up

    in the meantime I am in regular contact with people across a range of age groups. What I see is a split. There are sone extraordinary young people - far more emotionally intelligent and socially aware than our generation ever was and there are sone self centred idiots just as there are in our generation. There are incompetent victims of life and everything in between. This is essentially no different from how it ever was. Sure what our generation might regard as basics such as spelling and grammar seeem appallingly lacking in many but to be honest spellcheck and AI make it irrelevant.

    what sort of data would you like? And what sort of data are you going to provide for you last two paragraphs?
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