Billions to help rip families apart., page-52

  1. 85,981 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Lots of kids as a result, all well educiated and fantastic happy people.

    I just don't understand what is wrong today ''

    what is wrong and always has been is bad parenting. Not necessarily because bad parents were or are bad people

    many - so many, just don't know how to parent.

    I've a close friend here in France - woman, only child of single mother. About 60 and a bit years old.
    Came from what one would call a poor household in income - but, rich in all else

    surrounded by loving mother and grandparents. Brought up with books, reading, love of outdoors, taken places, involved in a broad range of things - love of language, academia, ocean, nature, can survive in the wild food wise,

    now, I know heaps of Aussie kids who got exactly NONE of that. Certainly not a book in the house. Dreadful tv, nothing to do with news, culture, education - just brainless tv. No exposure to arts culture etc.

    Now - which environment is going to have a good go at producing kids who matter and make a difference?

    A kid that grows up with knowledge and exposure to some of the world - or a kid who grows up not knowing that there's a world outside of their backyard and tv?

    If both kids are intelligent - one is going to head off to somewhere they've been exposed to

    the other is most likely going to be bored shitless and hopefully not fall into trouble with the coppers or society.

    it's all to do with parenting IMO
    Last edited by pintohoo: Today, 02:24
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