bin laden innocent?? more us lies

  1. 90 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Even the ABC radio news broadcast when reporting this "event"stated.

    "Bin Laden who was responsible for organizing the 9/11 attacks"

    Not "alledgedly responsible".

    At best Bin Laden may have been in cohorts with a section of the US administration inner sanctum of power brokers.

    I personally am 100% positive it was this inner sanctum who actually organized the whole 9/11 geo political stunt to get the US population on side to allow the US military carte blanche attacks on whoever wherever.

    I think it is really important for people to keep seeking the real truth behind what /who was responsible for the events of 9/11.

    The US GOVERNMENT really were right (when organizing the whole event)when they figured that humans really are herd like and will believe any old lie when they are told it often enough.

    People are scared of the truth.

    For anyone interested in "the actual" cover up behind the events of 9/11.

    Please see previous 9/11 discussions on this or other forums
    or just hire the excellent documentary(made by 4 italian documentary filmakers released a year or 2 back
    ZERO/911 or You Tube it.

    Just because a government says its so does not necessarily make it so.

    Just wanted to put some perspective on todays news re BL death?

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