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@BiotechWas hoping you could answer a few questions in regards...

  1. 506 Posts.

    Was hoping you could answer a few questions in regards to magnetic bead prices.

    1. Can you please explain the difference between GE Health's Streptavidin Mag Sepharose Magenetic Beads & ADO's AMG Streptavidin Magenetic Beads?

    2. Is there a reason why they are cheaper or am I reading the price/unit incorrectly?

    ADO's Streptavidin AMG beads = A$370/2mL, A$875/5mL
    GE's Streptavidin Mag Sepharose = A$240/2x1mL, A$495/5mL

    3. The Sepmag article by Joe has indicated Anteo's AMG Magnetic Beads cost around $10/mL to produce. Current AMG Strep-beads retail for $195/mL (Anteo website). Just wondering what the % mark-up is for market leading brands such as Dynabeads if they are so much more expensive/unaffordable?

    E.g. Dynabeads M-280 Streptavidin cost A$618/2mL.. roughly how much of that would be cost?

    Thanks in advance
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