Biotech Analysts $4M pa, page-42

  1. 13,097 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 236
    Wow. Nice return but certainly sold AVH too early after a nice low entry. Thought it all happened too fast for comfort with that first surge, every man and his dog seemed to be trading AVH all of a sudden. Well done to those still holding, pricing-in a healthy amount of market penetration now, surely?

    2019, one of the more exciting years for bios in recent years. We've got a fair number of companies with key readouts, which should mean some easy momentum trades, leading-in. As always, a bit too much like gambling for me, holding more than punter parcels into trial results, for anything but safety and signs of efficacy/dosing optimisation, which usually means Phase I and 2a. OPT, ANP, PTX, ACW, KZA, DXB, PXS, BOT, all reporting in 2019.

    Miscellaneous for 2019.
    - BGT if they can secure a much awaited and promoted partnership or commercial arrangement for its flavocide product.
    - CYP, possible trade into next round of Fuji signing, though the gap down day was probably the time to capitalise.
    - BCT and OCC if they can achieve some strong sales momentum.

    Best of luck to all bio hunters this year - should be a ripper!

    Disc: I hold OPT, PTX and BGT. Will start adding a few other in the list, shortly.
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