Bit of classroom discipline for this thread;, page-5

  1. 6,437 Posts.
    The masses choose (or aren't given an option) to believe the fabricated version of history dictated by the victors . It makes their transgressions easier to swallow

    We totally detest Hitler and his henchmen yet gloss over Stalin and his evil cronies that were responsible for the deaths of over 20 million Russians . Mao and his followers were responsible for the murder of over 2 million landlords and the deaths by starvation of over 50 million Chinese . Pol Pot in the modern era eradicated over 3 million Cambodians , yet we didn't hear much complaining from the Holocaust survivors .

    Eisenhowers hate of Germans and reclassifying (to exclude Red Cross intervention) POW's led to the deaths of countless German Wehrmacht troops in camps along the Rhine after the war

    It all gets back to who writes the history and who spreads the hate
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