Bit rough

  1. 87,393 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    oh dear - it's pretty rough when Scomo brings in blocks of coal to the house and doesn't roll out EV infrastructure in Oz - supposedly a leading nation

    whereas in Bangladesh ------------- they are thinking more like Silicon Valley compared to Oz thinking like some tinpot African sandy place

    ''Among the chaos, one Bangladeshi startup has spotted an opportunity. SOLshare plans to tap into the country’s estimated 2.5 million electric tuk-tuks, and turn them into a “virtual power plant.”
    “When (the tuk-tuks) return to the garage at the end of the night, they come back with 30% juice in their batteries,” says Salma Islam, head of projects, fundraising and communication at SOLshare. “If they can feed that back into the grid when the demand is really high, that would be amazing.”
    SOLshare knows exactly how much electricity is left in these tuk-tuks because it has been working with local garages to upgrade their conventional lead-acid batteries to smart, lithium-ion batteries. These are equipped with SOLshare’s digital chip, which collects data on the battery’s performance, location, and charge level.
    The startup claims that the leftover electricity in these batteries could provide up to 20% of the nation’s energy when demand is at its highest. The vehicles would recharge overnight when demand on the grid is lowest.'
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